Lighthouse Real Estate Group

An Unusual Thank You Letter

I have received so many thank you letters and emails from my clients over the years. I treasure each and everyone one of them. I also receive thank you’s via referrals from my repeat clients. But I can tell you that this particular one really touched my heart. She wasn’t even my client! She was the buyer. I was representing the seller who was the bank(my client). If you recall during the crash making offers on bank owned properties never failed in becoming bidding wars. However if the real estate broker was fair it was less painful. It was unusual to run across fairness during those ugly days. There were lots of listing brokers/agents who were anything but fair during those years. The process from offer to close was grueling too due to all of the unexpected issues that arose with vacant properties.

Many times when working with the banks on either side of the transaction it can be really “business as usual”. What do I mean by that? Well truthfully, to the banks its just another transaction. But to the buyers involved they are people who deserve to be treated with the dignity and respect. This particular property was not one of my larger transactions. It was a 50k condominium. Regardless if it was 50k or 500k I was going to treat the buyer and her Realtor like family. That is just who I am. At the end of the transaction and on the day of closing I received a hand written letter from the buyer. She thanked me from the bottom of her heart for being so kind. She said “Thank you for the help in the purchase of our condo. We appreciate every minute of your time and I thank you for changing my life and my daughter’s for the better.” I though to myself wow I was just doing what I would have done for my own family. But that letter stuck with me. It has been 4 years since that transaction. I often think about Barbara and her daughter. I can’t help but smile and say to myself now that’s why your in this business Adora, to make a positive difference in peoples lives.

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